T3IB is situated between control post 8 and terminal 3 flight connections centre. The £250 million project relocated the entire T3 baggage hall into a single facility and incorporated extensive future space for the expansion of security search areas and retail space. Byrne Bros. was awarded the £1.6 million composite slab package.
This comprised the placement of almost 26,000m2 of reinforced concrete over a period of 21 weeks. Byrne Bros. was also awarded the £600,000 Apron Pavement Quality Slab package. This comprised of a number of small concrete slabs/bays formed on the Ground Level under the main frame, constructed to a very high BAA concrete Specification. The sequence followed the construction and curing of the main frame slabs.
The £250 million project relocated the entire T3 Baggage Hall into a single facility
The tight nature of the site situated in the heart of Heathrow Airport presented a major logistical challenge for the construction team.
The interface between other contractors was extremely tight therefore we maximised pour areas to reduce the overall quantity of concrete pours and minimise site disruption. The tight nature of the site situated in the heart of Heathrow Airport presented a major logistical challenge for the construction team. The works could not impede on airport activity thus material deliveries and concrete pours were at times restricted to night shift working between the hours of 22.30 and 04.00am. During the works, Byrne Bros. was awarded the Apron Slab Pavement Quality (PQ) concrete package. This was formed to meet the requirements of a challenging Concrete Specification stipulated by BAA. The area was split into a number of small concrete bays and poured in a hit & miss fashion.